Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Tips How to Save Laptop Battery

Every day, more and more notebooks equipped with various components of a lighter, better, and faster. but still it is a weakness is the battery side. during the long trip and wanted to work with a notebook while on the trip, one thing I think of course, until when the notebook can be burned before you have to charge over again. The question asked by everyone. The answer, it is almost the same. battery power is not the same as what is advertised. whether the cause, and how to overcome this?

Here are steps how to conserve your laptop battery:

* Select Sekema power
The selection scheme is very important because the power can help you to conserve battery usage. Power plan is a collection of hardware settings, and systems that control power management in notebooks.

* Reduce Visual Effects
Visual effects certainly gives an impression that ctaching eye in the eyes of users. visual effects can be animated, shaeow, preview, and others. but, on the one hand, the visual effects also participate consumes power bit by bit

* Make the windows mobility center
Basically, the Windows Mobility Center is a kind of shortcut sets contained in one location. Windows Mobility Center is very helpful when you want to change the settings of the notebook quickly, without having to open here and there. in the Windows Mobility Center is the setting for the volume. brightness, network, battery, etc.

* Turn off Desktop Gadget
In Windows Vista, there used to be a feature called Windows Sidebar. in windows 7, the feature was removed. but still the functionality is still being presented in the form of desktop gadgets. by default, the desktop has been disabled for this gadget. but if you activate it and want to save battery slightly, then turn off the desktop gadgets

* Turn off unnecessary startup
Often times we see in the new notebook installed or in a notebook that's ready to use upon purchase. many filled with applications that function is not clear or not required by penggunanya.biasanya, the application had been allowed out without the utak-tweaking that run at startup. more and more applications that run at startup, hard disks and other devices will work extra, and spending power from the battery. besides the Windows loading process will also become much longer

* Turn off unnecessary services
Just as the startup, you also need to turn off the Windows service that is not used, essentially the same concept just like a startup. why would perform unneeded services. other than work against Windows, also can reduce battery

* Turn off unnecessary hardware
If you look in Device Manager, then a lot of devices that are not needed when using the battery light notebook. that must be done in order to save battery is to turn off while the device is not required that

* Stop Scheduled Task
Sometimes we are not aware that there are applications that run themselves automatically as scheduled, or entered into the scheduled task. some applications that often do that is an application to defrag, antivirus, or anti-spyware. on the one hand, this is good because it can maintain the system in a state fit. but if the battery lives under a little more, and suddenly antivirus scanning on schedule, it could run out the remaining power in the battery.

Good try .......

Tips Cara Menghemat Baterai Laptop

Semakin hari, notebook semakin dilengkapi dengan berbagai komponen yang lebih ringan, lebih baik, dan lebih cepat. tapi tetap saja yang menjadi kelemahannya adalah disisi baterai. saat melakukan perjalanan panjang dan ingin sambil bekerja dengan notebook dalam perjalanan itu, satu hal yang dipikirkan tentu saja, sampai kapan notebook tersebut bisa menyala sebelum harus melakukan charge ulang lagi. Pertanyaan itu ditanyakan oleh semua orang. Jawabannya, semuanya hampir sama. kekuatan baterai itu tidak sama dengan apa yang diiklankan. apakah penyebabnya, dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya?

Berikut Langkah-langkah cara menghemat baterai laptop anda:

* Pilih Sekema daya
Pemilihan skema daya sangat penting karena bisa sangat membantu anda dalam menghemat penggunaan baterai. Power plan adalah kumpulan setting hardware, dan sistem yang mengendalikan pengelolaan daya listrik di notebook.

* Kurangi Efek Visual
Efek visual tentu memberikan sebuah kesan yang eye ctaching di mata pengguna. efek visual tersebut bisa berupa animasi, shaeow, preview, dan lain-lain. tapi disatu sisi, efek visual itu juga turut berperan serta menghabiskan daya sedikit demi sedikit

* Manfaatkan windows mobility center
Pada dasarnya, Windows Mobility Center adalah semacam kumpulan shortcut yang terdapat di dalam satu lokasi. Windows Mobility Center sangat membantu saat anda ingin mengubah setting-an notebook secara cepat, tanpa harus membuka sana-sini. di dalam Windows Mobility Center terdapat setting untuk volume. brightness, jaringan, baterai, dan sebagainya

* Matikan Desktop Gadget
Di Windows Vista, dulu ada sebuah fitur bernama Windows Sidebar. di windows 7, fitur tersebut sudah dihilangkan. namun tetap fungsionalitasnya masih dihadirkan dalam bentuk desktop gadget. secara default, desktop gadget ini sudah dinonaktifkan. tapi seandainya anda mengaktifkannya dan ingin sedikit menghemat baterai, maka matikan desktop gadget itu

* Matikan startup yang tidak perlu
Sering kali kita melihat di notebook yang baru diinstal atau di notebook yang sudah siap pakai saat pembelian. banyak diisi dengan aplikasi yang fungsinya tidak jelas atau tidak dibutuhkan oleh penggunanya.biasanya, aplikasi itu dibiarkan begitu saja tanpa di utak-atik sehingga dijalankan saat startup. semakin banyak aplikasi yang dijalankan saat startup, maka harddisk dan perangkat lain akan bekerja ekstra, dan menghabiskan daya dari baterai. selain itu proses loading Windows juga akan menjadi lebih lama

* Matikan service yang tidak perlu
Sama seperti startup, anda juga perlu mematikan service Windows yang tidak digunakan, konsep dasarnya sama persis seperti startup. buat apa menjalankan service yang tidak diperlukan. selain memberatkan kerja Windows, juga bisa mengurangi daya baterai

* Matikan Hardware yang tidak diperlukan
Jika anda melihat ke dalam Device Manager, maka banyak sekali perangkat yang sebenarnya tidak dibutuhkan saat notebook menyala menggunakan baterai. yang harus dilakukan agar bisa menghemat baterai adalah dengan mematikan sementara perangkat yang tidak dibutuhkan itu

* Hentikan Scheduled Task
Terkadang kita tidak sadar bahwa ada aplikasi yang berjalan sendiri secara otomatis karena sudah terjadwal, atau masuk ke dalam scheduled task. beberapa aplikasi yang sering melakukan hal itu adalah aplikasi untuk defrag, antivirus, atau anti-spyware. di satu sisi, hal ini bagus karena bisa menjaga sistem dalam keadaan fit. tapi kalau dalam keadaan baterai tinggal sedikit lagi, dan tiba-tiba antivirus melakukan scanning sesuai jadwal, maka bisa habis sisa daya yang ada di baterai itu.

Selamat Mencoba.......

How to register to become a member of Google Adsense

like where do I register to become a member of Google Adsense more fully let me tutor. Well to get into the Google Adsense directly from your Blogspot pages, follow the steps below:

* Previously turn the page of your Blogger account, in view of the dash and point to the Related Services
* If so, click on the link at the Adsenses Related Services
* Later on Help Additional Resources section, click on the link About Adsense for your blog.
* If already looking forward to come jendlea About Adsense
* Then click the Sign in the Adsense Site
* Next will come Welcome to Adsense

If Google Adsense can be opened through Blogspot the next step you must go through to become a member of Google Adsense, which you enroll into the Google Adsense.
Form filling data to become a member of Google Adsense consists of three parts, namely, Website Information, Contact Information, and Policies. This is different from the form on the previous format which also contains a Product Selection.

Here are more guidelines for completing the registration form Adsense manjadi members:

* Previously sure that you do have to open the window Welcome to Adsense, which we discussed at the beginning of this artike, then click the Sign up now
* The URL address of your blog site, because you will make Adsense with a blog then enter your blog URL address in your own Web site URL text box
* After that on the website language, Bahasa-Bahasa choose as your website's primary language to assist in the review of Google Adsense
* Then activate the option I will not place ads on sites that include incentive. activation of this option is intended to prevent the appearance of ads that contain the words or pictures to click on the link because ads like these can create a Google Adsense block or delete your membership.
* Then, activate all the options I will not place ads on sites that include pornographic content
* The next step you must take, namely the charging data to the Contact Information, in this section you will need to be careful in doing charging for data in the Contact this archive will be made to send payment to you. for it, fill in the data associated with address, city, state, and postal code. on the Account type, choose the Individual
* If so, select the option in the combo box Indonesia Country or territory
* Then, type the full name yourself in a text box Payee name
* If so, type your full address in the text box Street Address
* Afterwards, enter the city name in the text box City / Town
* If so, please fill out the postal code of the city where you live dibagian Postal Code
* If you consent to the data from which you enter in the Contact Informatioan as payee data, switch I agree that I can receive checks made out to the payee name I have listed above
* Later on the Telephone Numbers, enter your phone number in the Number text box
* If you want Google Adsense to send you periodic news and tips regarding some surveys to help Google improve AdSense service, switch in additional options, send me periodic newsletters with tips and best practices and occasional surveys to help inprove Adsense Google dibagian Email preferences
* Later on you find out how bagaiamana Google adsense, you can choose the answer in the combo box How did you find out about Google Adsense
* The next step switch all the options available in the Policies section to indicate that you agree to all policies and requirements set by Google Adsense
* Perform data is returned check yourself that you have entered
* As a last step press the Submit Information

After that you can wait a while until you get a confirmation email from Google Adsense. open barasal subjects from Google Adsense, when it clicks a confirmation link in the confirmation message. After that you have to wait for approximately two to three days to get the information if you are accepted into the Google Adsense or not.

Good luck ........

Place the live traffic feed on my blog

Widgets are still around our topic this time is where do I plug How live traffic feed on the blog. before one of his friends asked in this web shoutmix. gimana cara install Feedjit on my blog with the hope that this article could help him and another friend of the not yet know. little information first. Live feed is the site traffice from which play an important role for a blog to find out where it came histroy of these blog visitors.

For being pleased with this site you can install it, follow these tips

* You visit the site

* Then click the Menu widget
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* Click on an option Javascript widget you need from 4 (four) options

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* Then click on "Click here to Customize it!" to determine the color to match your blog

* After the color selection is done, copy and paste the script code to your blog

* Finished ....

Good luck ..........

Adding music collection option

To pamper your blog visitors, then you can add a widget that contains a collection of Ipod favorite songs from a variety of genre. Later on your blog visitors can listen to while reading the articles on your blog page is.

1. Go to address.
2. Then choose the option Music On Demand.
3. If an iPod display has been put forward, and then seleksilah HTML code at the bottom of the Ipod display widget. If you have key press Ctrl + C.
4. Switch view the first page of your blog. choose Add Elemenpilih Java Script
5. Paste then Save deh completed

Good luck and remember his comment

How to Increase Tracker

How to add a Tracker or Sitemeter
How to install the Tracker or Sitemeter that our discussion is the topic today. there who do not know what the purpose of the Tracker or that Sitemeter's! I explained a little beforehand. that the mean or sitemeter Tracker is a tool that serves to record the number of visitors who come to our website or blog. Now with the existence of this tool is helping us to find out how many visitors we keblog in days, weeks and months, one a pretty good tracker and widely used at present is Sitemeter.
to add it to our blog so is easy. follow the steps below.

* You go there
* Then click Sign Up
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* Click Sign Up again in the Basic Site Meter Free
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* Fill in your blog data and click Next
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* Then fill your personal data click Next again
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* Click Next again if personal data is correct
* After that you will get a Success message! Thank You.
* To Install Logo sitemeternya into your blog Maneger click menu and click the style meter
* Choose one of sitemeter as you like and then click select
* After that, click the HTML Code
* Copy and paste into your blog and save
* Finish

Good luck ..........

Practical Tips Internet Connection Speed

Social net sites like Facebook directly stimulate the number of Internet users Indonesia. of which did not know anything about the internet, now many people are more familiar with the internet. but the slow speed internet connection or access frequently complained about some people, either using a laptop or personal computer. therefore it needs to be done several ways to "trip" your cruise more smoothly and fun.

The following Practical steps Accelerate your Internet connection:

* The first way you can do is to disable the files or programs that often hinder the speed of page display (web), such as page images, adove plug-in flash, java Applets and JavaScript in your browser settings facilities are available. by minimizing the above features are faster connection for lighter pageviews.
* It is advisable to seek an alternative browser that only displays pages in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). This will maximize your cruising speed for the required bandwidth decreases. besides, you can "hunt" a variety of applications available in cyberspace to create a minimalist web interface or application that can automatically separate and change the size of large pages into smaller ones.
* Please note that basically requires a personal computer media Network Interface Card (NIC) or Ethernet Card to connect to the network. Ethernet protocol works with TCP / IP to establish communications with other media in the network. to speed up the connection, maximize the function of the Ethernet Card with optimizing application configuration TCP / IP. you can download the application from the Internet.
* For laptop users a way that "unique" is eligible for consideration, namely by using the 2.4 GHz antenna. material making it fairly simple antenna, for example, tin cans and a frying pan / skillet. for those who rely on wireless signals to connect, can access the antenna manufacturing step through search sites on the Internet. but keep in mind the rules applicable law.
* Now it's time your fingers dancing to broaden your horizons through the internet ...

Good luck ........